Thursday 10 May 2012

New Gas Main

After discovering I'd installed the gas main wrong by using soldered joints I had to re do it.  This involved a bit of cosmetic damage to get at the old one to remove it and replace with the new.  This will be fixed in due course.

So now all joints are made with compression fittings and all joints are available for inspection and adjustment if necessary.

Well you get the idea.  I have done the soapy water test which it passed and the Mk1 nose test and at the weekend I will be borrowing a manometer to do a drop test.  And for full belt and braces I have booked a gas safe inspection as well.

I finally got around to fitting the gas struts to lift the bed.  

And finally an Ahh! moment out of the window today.

15 goslings!


  1. Thanks for the post Kev, I wonder if someone anticipated Her underbed storage being used as a toolbox? Oh silly me, of course she did! Well done on the alteration to the gas main though, vibration (however small from an engine or similar) and soldered joints in copper pipework are not best friends, and boats make such good fire pits. Andy.

  2. Well for the time being the under bed is my realestate. But as things get done this will change. She is happy as there are no tools or materials around accept the mainm tool box which has been doubling as a coffee table or extra seat.

  3. Some of those 90 deg. elbows look like they may have been a real challenge to tighten.

    Bill Kelleher

  4. It looks like that bill but they have all been "tested" for access..

  5. Good post Kev.

    I've got to run LPG into our boat for the range/oven. According to the rules here there can be no joins inside the boat except where it attaches to the appliance. I was wondering why you didn't use a more flexible singe run of copper piple?

    Carry on, looking good. Very interesting too!

  6. Fab photo!

