Monday 29 August 2011

Kitchen Appliances

The kitchen appliances arrived so it was down to fitting them. Well temporarily anyway for the washing machine and microwave combi oven.  The oven housing needed a small amount of alteration as originally we were going to have a gas oven*.  I also have the hob but thats not shown here.  All of these have been set up to enable the placement of of the power and gas feeds.  There will also be a final fitment of the templates fore the granite worktops.

The washing machine will have a door fitted

*  It was after a bit more thourght that we decided to change the oven.  Some might question having an electric oven combi unit on  boat, especially as we do have gas availiable.  Our reason is this.  At home we have a main oven and a microwave combi.  We hardly ever use the main oven accept probably Christmas.  Most of the time we use the smaller combi especially as it can perfectly roast a decent size chicken in about 35 minutes.  I can't see us cooking xmas dinner for 8 on the boat!  Also with an oven we would still need a microwave which would take up worktop space. So in retrospect it seemd the best solution.  Powering it will also be no issue as it has a maximum draw in combi mode of 3000w the same as output as the inverter and our battery bank will cope with a roast chicken, or if need be the generator can be deployed, or cooking can be done when the main engine is supplying charge to the batteries. 
Of course if we are on shore power this could be used as at home if it is 16amp, but if its less the inverter through the additional controler can use whats on the post and suppliment the amperage from the batteries without tripping the shore power.
The 3rd one down

I know some will think this mad and gas is the answer, but if you think about it, fuel has to be used so why not the diesel in the generator instead of LPG?

This is the fridge freezer.  

This model was chosen because it has a big top fridge and small bottom freezer and it has an A+ energy rating.    As the unit housing it is not as tall as one in a house, the choice was very limited, but I am pleased with it.  Supprisingly its made by Liebherr more often associated with 600 ton dump trucks and earth movers.

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